Saturday, January 2, 2010

An ode to teacher's gifts

Many off you may think less of me when you have finished this blog, but since it's my blog and you're reading it I might as well give it a go.

I usually use this blog as a way to express my personal frustrations and insights I've experienced since I've been diagnosed with POTS. But as I was clearing away the gifts under my Christmas tree, and reflecting upon those gifts I received from my precious students I began to chuckle at this question in my head.... "What were they thinking?" (the students parents that is).

So here are a few of my favorites.

  • Dragon and castle plastic snow globe. I guess I can put that next to my Harry potter wand and my Lord of the Rings sword (I really don't own these, but my parents must think I do).

  • Extra large plush bear. This would definately go with my Raggedy Ann and Andy (sorry Von) which again I don't have.

  • Pink, purple and magenta super fuzzy scarf. This would look great on a six year old or maybe a life size Barbie, though I believe even she has more fashion sense.

  • A 36" ceramic plaque in gold embelished with Cherubs. It must weigh 25 pounds! I'm sure Wayne Newton would have loved this gift. I would probably need to hire a handy man to install it on my wall, Hmmm..... Handy man, might be worth digging it out.

  • Purple anything, lotion that instantly causes my lungs to close up, sweaters, blouses, candles, or stationary. This is the only draw back to sharing my favorite color with my students.

  • 4" plastic cactus, which will go nicely with the plastic velvet roses I received for Valentines day. These items will do so much for our environment, just think of all the oxygen they produce in their lifetime!

  • The little nighty one of my students claimed that "my daddy picked that out just for you Mrs. McGough". I later found out that one came from one of my student teachers.

  • At least a dozen platic statues in various shapes and sizes that could easily fill a chotchky cabinet if I chose to do so.
Now I do realize that it's the thought that counts, but until I started this blog, I was at a loss as to what to do with all this stuff that has jam packed my storage shed. The answer came to me as my guilty conscience became concerned at what some of my church friends or even my pastor (hi Pastor Tom) might think after they have read my unappreciative rantings. Then an idea popped into my guilty head, I'll have a garage sale, and the procedes can buy a chicken or a goat for the poor in neady countries. Or maybe in the offering. Feeling better already, though I think that might be an attempt to buy my guilt away, and that won't work. Hmmm I'll have to give it more thought.

Now I have received some wonderful gifts. Such as book store gift cards that enable me to purchase more books I can read to my precious students. I treasure the hand made gifts such as the hand made ornaments I pull out of my ornament box every year. Those ornaments are special to me. I have to be honest though, they don't really go with the silver, gold and white theme on my Christmas tree. Now I may put them up some day if I become one of those people who has a home big enough to have a tree in each room, and is highlighted on the HGTV channel. Now I know many of you may be shaking your head in disgust at my lack of sensitivity in this matter, but to be perfectly honest, my own childrens home made ornaments are not on the tree either!

Well it's time to get back to putting away those special gifts, I may have to get another shed if I don't have that garage sale.

Always inspired,


  1. I don't think any one will think less of you Michele, you have too good a heart for that. Not many would think of changing these for a goat for a village, most would just toss them out.

    I do wonder if the gift matched the parents? You've gotta wonder if the snow globe was given to you by a mum and dad who were 12th level mages of Dungeons and Dragons? The plastic cactus, well I don't think I want to know what that says about the parents as it's just that extra level of weird.

    Phew glad we got Liam's teacher flowers, pretty and biodegradable :)

    Thanks for the giggle

  2. I wanna hear more about the nighty... student teacher, huh?? Only in your world, Michele! HAHAHAHA

  3. As I read your comment, of course I could relate, however I just kept thinking of the little child in class who is feeling sad because she didn't have anything to give. Maybe next year you could send a note to families saying instead of accepting gifts you are taking a collection to purchase a goat for a family in need? By the way, I was one of the little girls who had nothing to give.

  4. Michelle, I was one of those kids who had nothing to give as well, but I always cover those children with, my favorite gift of all is a smile or a hug, and I know your great at that.
