Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Birthday-3 years with my new POTS "normal"

*Dropping heart rate-check
*Rising BP-check
*Short of breath-check
*Blurred vision-check
*Brain fog-check

All is "normal".

It's amazing after living with POTS for three years I've grown quite accustomed to my new POTSy "normal". Going from a healthy energizer bunny type to a blechy couch potato is not meant for the "faint"hearted (ha-ha-ha). I began this journey on a retreat in Big Bear on April 27th 2008, with a quick diagnosis on May 7th 2008. It's been quite a journey and I've learned allot from it.

The first two years I feel were the hardest for me. I compare it to being a new mom the first couple months with my new born son Sean. Every squeak, whimper, cry or rise in temperature he had I imagined as a major catastrophe that needed an immediate consultation with his pediatrician. My son's pediatrician was a Saint. I've mellowed out a bit since then, which I'm sure my current doctors appreciate. Fear was a constant with POTS. Each symptom was frightening and filled me with a sense of constant gloom and doom. Who wouldn't freak out a bit when your heart rates goes from normal (50's) then drops in the 30's in seconds, only to be followed by a a sharp rise to 160's within a minute. I thought for sure I was going to die. The symptoms of POTS are scary and bazaar! It also doesn't help to have an illness that is rare. Most doctors don't know how to treat it, and it can be frustrating to hear your doctor say he doesn't have a clue as to how to treat you. The thing that has saved me is the awesome group of fellow POTSies who have shared their experiences and helped me to realize that what my body was doing is "normal" for POTS.

My new "normal" I now wear like an old favorite sweater. After experiencing freaky heart rates and blood pressure on a regular basis and the deluge of regular POTS symptoms, I no longer freak out. I always remind myself it could be much worse; feeding tubes, catheters and being bed ridden. Knowing how bad it could be truly makes me appreciate living in the now.

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y P O T S ! ! !
3 years old and waiting for a cure.


Matthew 6:34
"So don't be anxious about tomorrow, God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time."


  1. Congrats on all your improving symptoms!! That's great : )

  2. so happy birthday :D love your blog and i following ofc :) kisses from Poland;*

  3. Thanks so much, I was wondering who my reader was :)
