Saturday, November 13, 2010


This seems to be the week of MORE! MORE concerns that my POTS is getting worse. MORE stress from work with report cards and benchmarks due. MORE fear as I face a new diagnosis and a doctor who appears afraid to treat me. MORE darkness as the increase in meds makes me feel like I'm in a valley I desperately don't want to be in. MORE losses of things I love because of POTS. MORE chemical sensitivities, no more stepping out my door during cold weather to smell one of my favorite smells, burning fireplaces! MORE fatigue, MORE nausea and MORE sleep deprivation!

I want MORE of a social life. I want MORE energy to do the stuff I have to ask help for. I want MORE of my old self back. I want MORE time without the constant reminder that I have POTS.

I'll be so thankful when my body has adjusted to the med increase and I'm less whinny and MORE like my old more cheerful self!

Need to be MORE inspiring,

Psalm 40:2
He brought me out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay; And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.

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